A Ballard of Dust Particles


Wrapped myself in a bedsheet, sitting in my kitchen, sipping a hot tea. For a few hours today, I quarantined myself from the world. It’s deviant for me to do these three things; No TV, No laptop, cell phone switched off. Only these things connect me to the world. Since I was unwell, I took the liberty to stay away from the world. One thing I miss when one is unwell is the invisible board around my neck, “today no self-service, please serve me”. In the anguish of the recent trauma, my mind looks for answers as I try to dissolve my thoughts in the hot tea.

My eyes conjure on the 100’s and 1000’s of tiny dust particles dancing ballet with each other suspended in the beam of sunlight that comes out from the corner of my kitchen window. Tiny particles of dust which piqued my attention… one never notices them, lonely and forsaken, are they? They appear to be so calm. Being thrown around by the wind, they look so weak, try breaking them apart and you’ll realize how strong they are as quickly they wind together. Where do they come from? Each one from a new place, some from dirt, scraps, and dead skins… each one with a new story to tell. Strange when was the last time you had a close look at them something insignificantly so magnificent? I bet school days when your eyes were still exploring the wonders in the world.

They always pretend to be strong and confident, hug them tight and they’ll collapse into tears. Glance at them; all of them will look alike. Try picking some up on your finger; try it so tiny, so insignificant. These insignificant tiny shapes draw the supernova sunlight in the dark corners of your room as day breaks. Well, gradually I was getting the clues to my puzzles, few, but yes I was.

Even petite episodes of your life compose your life story complete. Carrying your mystic presence even in the dark corners of life, yours and others. Give them a close look and you’ll see that one of them shines. It’s you, who is reading this now.

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